Tool 2 – Curation Decision

The second tool in the Emerging Stronger toolkit  tackles our content overload challenge head on!

Principle: Keep relevant – be useful!

Most of us are suffering from content overload. Offering more content doesn’t help …unless it is clearly relevant and useful. 

In Laura Overton’s previous studies with over 50,000 workers we explored what motivates individuals to learn online – to become more self directed. Without fail the top reason for workers of all tenures and seniority was ‘to do my job faster and better’.

For L&D to connect with our workers, we need to be able to help them get to what they need to do their job faster and better.

That’s where curation comes in. Curation is more than aggregating all your content assets into one place with a single sign on. Its is about surfacing the right content for the right person in the right context.

And it is something that high performing learning teams are increasingly skilled at.

Getting started

Understanding the problem at hand was something we tackled in the Needs Analysis tool [Link]. Shannon Tipton, a co-founder in the Emerging strong team used this as the starting point – our ability to curate successfully depends on how well we can answer these questions:

  1. What problem are you trying to solve?
  2. Audience readiness, what should people be able to do with the information?
  3. Available resources, what content sources will be used?
  4. Accessibility, how will information be shared?
  5. Content potential and validate content as fit for purpose.

A tool to help!

Shannon went on to develop this tool to help work through the 3 main stages of successful curation. Download and use it to help you:

  • define curation goals
  • source relevant content
  • validate content as fit for purpose
  • organise and contextualize content
  • share content in a discoverable format

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* The Curation Decision Tool was created by Shannon Tipton as part of the Emerging Stronger toolkit to help L&D professionals thrive in the ever changing world of work. It was initially published in conjunction with our publishing partner Go1.

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